For the first time in the production of bread, pastries, cakes and biscuits it is possible to substitute the E471 and E472 semi-synthetic emulsifiers with natural products derived from sunflower seeds or soya beans. These products are part of the NATURplus exclusive range, the new liposomic action mechanism application developed by our Research and Development team.
The main problems encountered in bread making are associated with the lack of stability and workability of the dough and the uneven distribution of the water phase. Using the NATURplus range of natural emulsifiers you will obtain a uniformly moist and a more homogeneous and elastic dough.
Thanks to these characteristics, NATURplus increases the yield, improves the taste and lengthens the shelf life of bakery products. Lastly, as it has an anti-crystallization and emollient effect, it is an excellent emulsifier for deployment in all freezing technologies.

The NATURplus line of products includes natural emulsifiers for a wide spectrum of deployment, ranging from cakes to biscuits.

NATURplus emulsifiers are available in three main categories: pure (the Lipos G line); in processing aids (the Multilev G and Multilev PG lines) and in flour preparations for speciality bread (the Liposomial lines)

NATURplus also has health benefits because it contains anti-cholesterol phospholipids and Omega 3.